2020 backpack and school supplies drive by Columbia Residential

2020 Backpack and School Supplies Giveaway

Resident Services would like to thank everyone for supporting our 2020 Backpack and School Supplies Knock-and-Drop giveaway.

A total of 1,083 backpacks and school supplies were directly distributed to the doorsteps of Columbia Residential residents by the Resident Services Department on August 17, 2020 (Atlanta area) and August 25, 2020 (Athens area).

This was a great opportunity to positively support our families and students during this unprecedented time. Each family received the following item per child in their household; 17” backpack, pencil pouch, pencil sharpener, a box of crayons, #2 pencils, erasers, safety scissors, glue stick, highlighter, ruler, blue and black pens, 70-sheet wide-ruled notebook, and pocket folders. As we all continue to stay safe, hopefully, you can enjoy a few pictures from the Resident Services Department philanthropic efforts supporting education.

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